Multiscanning and
threat intelligence

Glasswall leverages ReversingLabs’ file reputation technology to strengthen its zero-trust threat removal with an additional layer of pragmatic security. This integration enables real-time classification of files through ReversingLabs' vast database of known goodware and malware, offering continuous, up-to-date threat intelligence.

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Stronger together - Pragmatic file security

By offering instant file hash lookups, our ReversingLabs integration enables admins to customize file handling based on a file’s reputation and malware status, safe files are automatically approved, while suspicious ones are blocked.

Advanced threat intelligence

ReversingLabs evaluates the risk of over 40 billion files, augmenting the security of Glasswall’s zero-trust threat removal with enhanced protection.

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Complete file type support

ReversingLabs provides real-time insights on over 4,800 file types, enabling organizations to swiftly assess risk, mitigate evolving threats, and prevent data breaches.

Enhanced automation and protection

Admins can automate file handling by leveraging advanced malware detection and classification. Safe files are automatically approved, while suspicious ones are blocked.

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Integrates with Glasswall Halo

Glasswall Halo, our cloud-native, highly scalable and easily deployable threat removal solution, can be easily integrated with ReversingLabs to provides further threat intelligence and malware detection.

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