File Analysis & CDR: Forging a Formidable Defense | WEBINAR March 5, 1:00 - 2:00 PM ET
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Glasswall Halo

Glasswall Halo is a scalable zero-trust file protection solution, deployable on-prem, in the cloud or in air-gapped networks. Accessible via Web UI, APIs and ICAP Servers.

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Zero-trust file protection

Glasswall CDR is a data filter that rebuilds files and documents into a safe, clean standard, free from the risks of malware. Our zero-trust approach outperforms antivirus, sandboxing and EDR methods and is essential for secure file transfer across trust boundaries.

Learn more about CDR

Seamless integration with API endpoints and ICAP servers

Our API endpoints ensure our trust file protection capabilities can be delivered and managed at critical stages within document workflows, anywhere files are moved or stored. Glasswall Halo can also be used for real-time threat removal from web traffic, by seamlessly integrating with web appliances, such as firewalls, proxies and Gateways, through ICAP server requests.

View our APIsLearn more about ICAP

Multiscanning and advanced threat intelligence

ReversingLabs adds additional layers of multiscanning security and real-time threat intelligence to Halo with instant hash lookups and file handling based on malware status. Safe files are automatically approved, while suspicious ones are blocked.

Learn more about ReversingLabs

Zero-trust CDR anywhere files are moved or stored

Key features

Sync and Async API endpoints for ease of integration with existing services

View our APIs

ICAP integration for web proxy servers, enabling SSL sanitization in real-time

Learn more about ICAP

85+ supported file types and counting

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Manage high-risk content in files (such as macros) with tailored security policies

Analyze original file risk with real-time classification of files through a vast database of known goodware and malware.

Learn more about ReversingLabs

Kubernetes architecture provides highly-scalable protection to meet demand

Deployment options

Supported managed Kubernetes

Best-in-class file-based protection from Glasswall

Glasswall is the market leader for Content Disarm and Reconstruction (CDR). We supply our battle-hardened zero-trust file protection solutions to the world’s most sophisticated security establishments, including members of NATO, the Five Eyes Alliance and AUKUS. Our CDR technology helps organizations comply with Cross-Domain initiatives such as NSA's Raise the Bar and NCSC's Pattern: Safely Importing Data.
NATO logoAUKUS logoNational Security Agency logo USA
NATO logoAUKUS logoNational Security Agency logo USAHM government logo

How we do it better:

  • Complete file protection - threats removed and files returned to known-good specifications
  • Complete file analysis - giving you transparency into file non-conformance with industry specifications
  • Content management options to shape an organization’s security policy based on risk appetite

Industry-leading performance:

Cluster configuration assumes specific memory and compute allocations for containers. Production performance will always depend on size and complexities of real world files. Configurations can be optimised to favour throughput or file processing speeds.

20 business files ranging from 17 MB to 0.05 MB in size
  • File types include: PowerPoint, Video, Excel, Word, Image, PDF, Audio
  • Mean file size = 3.74 MB
  • Median file size = 0.64 MB
  • 5 Engines per node
  • 8 virtual cores
  • 28 GB Memory
  • Request concurrency to availability of resource is 1:1

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